Fixing Centurions….

They're not a terrible idea, just not a great one. Really, their role is filled, and better, by other units in the codex. Make that codexes, because there are allies and Escalation and pretty much all bets are off. But this is not a rules blog, it's a modeling blog,...

What can I say? I’m a leg man….

Large centipedes freak me out whenever I see them scuttling around. Somehow, I don't mind this one, especially since I intend to crash him into some nice, squishy Eldar/orks/whatever. Happy Sunday, people....

The Factory’s open again….

Well, really, the factory never closed, but I took a break from doing things for a while, an when I felt like it again, I opened up some new projects. The Necron army still needs some bits and bobs, so I finished a second Triarch stalker kit and started on another...

A Blast from the Past…

Some clever chap made a posable Atlas model from the new in-game models using a 3D printer. More here.  I'm not going to bore you with wistful talk of it being a brave new day for the medium. Just that I'm taking a hard look at saving for a 3D printer, and which 3D...

Paint Stripping Question….

Anyone know of a reliable, safe way to strip paint from soft (well, softer than, say, a model) plastic? Please post in comments. Thanks!