A Million Variations of Viper….

So as you can see from this compilation of the plastic works of the late Nate "nnenn" Nielson, there are A LOT of alternate Viper color schemes to choose from. Almost.... no, not almost, there ARE too many. In the coming weeks, I'll select one for the resin kit and go...

I am not dead….

... I am building transforming robots.  Because, when one reaches a point where one's 40k habit plateaus, and there's nothing new or exciting, that is what one does.  The Vic Viper here is almost completely self-contained with no parts-swapping, except for the head,...

RIP Jovian Chronicles: A Bevy of (Not) Doms…

"Doesn't it look like a Kondoh-type Rik Dom?" Marc-Alex Vezina, creator of Jovian said to me in an email. The year was 199- something. (Do keep that in mind when you see the paint jobs, please, I was still finding my way) 1996? '95? Doesn't matter. I had originally...

Bye-Bye Jovian Chronicles…..

Kondo-derivative artwork © Dream Pod 9, used without permission Dreap Pod 9 has announced that it's discontinuing its Jovian Chronicles line and retiring (read, "breaking") the molds. (read all about it here). This is kinda sad, because Dream Pod 9 really, really,...

Mechanicus Praetorian H-Alpha-Rho-Kill-3-R

I'm slowly eking my way through the characters in the IG Codex, and I wonder why I haven't  made (or used) Harker (or HaRK3R) sooner. A BS4 relentless Heavy Bolter? Yes please. It took a bit of bits box digging to make him work, however. I'd quite forgotten I had some...