Doomsday/Ghost Arks and the magnets that bind them…

This is a bit of a cautionary tale; not because of the Puppetswar head-bike, which itself makes a wonderful Ghost Ark Prow, as you can see from Command Ark Charon, here: Rather, the caution comes from the other task he and his sister (brother?) ark encompassed; a...

A Sculpt from Christmas Past….

Has it really been that long since I've posted? October? Mortarion? Well then.  This girl (her name is Sirius) has sat on the shelf overlooking my hobby area for well over ten years, and despite being a conversion that required some effort, has never occurred to me to...

Hurricane Mortarion…..

For those of you who haven't read his statline and abilities by now, Mortarion, in-game, can pretty much kill an entire standard 2000 point army by himself, with room for afters (providing you never, ever roll a 1). All of the Primarchs, in fact, are ludicrously...


This day in 2001, the gates of Heaven irised open to receive more than 3,000 souls.  Never forget, America, and stay vigilant. 

WIP: Mortarion….

Let's be clear, I hate, hate, hate the Nurgle aesthetic and everything to do with it. However, a Primarch with a big bloody scythe who breathes toxic gas to live is pretty damn cool. Uriel came from Kabuki Miniatures with a big spear and a tiny head, and, having no...