Commission: Dark Eldar Raiders

Some more commission work, this time a trio of Dark Eldar Raiders to flesh out a client's transport section for his insane sex maniac elves. Note to self: never, ever do three of them at once again. Not only are you signing up to paint a relatively intricate small...

Commission: Adeptus Mechanicus Grand Magos

So this nice fellow from a far-off land had a job for me: replicate my old Grand Magos model. As you can see, one of these things is clearly not like the other. The reason for this is quite simple; me old mate there on the right was made with no small amount of...

Commission: WIP

Taking it easy this week, working on a Grand Magos for a client. More as he develops....

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy 4th, Everybody!  What are you doing on the Internet? Get out there and do something even though it's hot as fuck and you should probably be inside.  On second thought, stay inside. Enjoy the Internet, and remember that the greatest purveyor of porn, bootleg...