Raise the Owlbear of Victory!

At the same time my Stormraven went over the top.... I was at work, I think. But later, I painted this owl bear. Thanks to everybody out there who put me over the top, I really appreciate it, guys.  Anyhow, these furry, feathery (furthery?) monstrosities plague my D&D...

Stormtalon Leaked!

Beasts of War apparently gets their hands on early copies of White Dwarf, and is revealing all sorts of things, most notably, this horrible thing.  It flies. That's the best thing I can say about it. Why didn't they just take an Assault Marine and add on a bunch of...

And now for something completely different….

By now you all know my love for robots and mechanical things. Get a load of what DARPA's been doing lately. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather my tax dollars go to something like this than lavish parties for GSA members or hookers for the Secret Service. It...

Contest Day!

Well folks, the MWC conversion contest featuring my Stormraven (below) is upon us. Please head on over to Miniatures Wargame Conversions and help propel my birdie to victory. Thanks in advance!

Stormraven Conversion Finished!

In the spirit of doing what I say I'm gonna do this year,  I fixed a Stormraven model so it's the proper length to carry just about everything. I also did so in record time (for me), because the original deadline for the Miniature Wargames Conversions contest (again,...