Pre-Heresy Sunday….

It's as hot as Calth outside, so I'm doing some Pre-Heresy Ultramarines today. These chaps join these other fellows: As well as these guys:And these two chaps: And this thing:And their Primarch, whom you may know:On the battlefields of history. Combined with some...

Adventures in Lighting…

I'm home with the flu today, so here's a post I've been meaning to do.  The larger ships of X-Wing have continued to hold my attention, and being somewhat of a completionist, I've embarked on a quest to add LED lighting, aided by fiber optics, to the ships in my...

Deathwatch: Overkill Part II: Genestealer Cult!

I really had a pretty good time painting these. So much so, in fact, they may get turned into an army at a later date.  Well, maybe.  With a few limos, more bodies, and so on. Too bad the rules only exist for the specific numbers that you get in the box. Way to plan...

Deathwatch: Overkill Part I: Deathwatch!

At long last, the entirely of my Deathwatch set has been completed, and by "at long last", I mean I've had them done for about a month now, and just not bothered to photograph anything. Life gets in the way. You understand.  As with the offerings from their last board...