Ornstein and Smough or A Tale of Two Superheavy Tanks

BRRING BRRING "Hello, Forgeguard Activated First Armored. " "Tanks department, please." "Speaking." "Do you have anything that can flatten an infantry company by itself?" "Sure do. How many do you want?" "Uh, one? "Just one? Are you sure?" "No. Send me something to...

Desktop Wars, Chapter XVI: Overkill

"I swear, you guys! I'll have your money tomorrow!"The backlog of stuff to feature grows larger, so here's WIP to show you where I am. Of course instead of mass-painting the Genestealer Cult I delved into the Deathwatch. Being unique and covered in fiddly detail, they...

Genestealer Hybrid WIP

"Sire! The miners are revolting!""Yes, but we need them to work the mines."Most of the colors have been blocked in, still have to do some detailing.I need to post some finished pics of super heavy tanks too. I wish I had a staff photographer....

Stormhammer WIP

 Who has two thumbs and is making a Stormhammer? This guy.Happy Saturday, people.

Deathgaze, Overlord of the Deathmarque Guilds

Bit of a mea culpa here. I've actually had this model complete and ready for quite some time, and just never bothered to photograph him.  I know, I'm sorry. So anyway, yes, he's named after a Final fantasy 6 character, and yes, his sniper's shield cape comes from a...