The Black Knight

So this one was a long time in coming. I have such a backlog of models to shoot and put up, you wouldn't believe. Add to that my old homemade lightbox bought the farm, so I thought "hey, let's order an actual one!" Mistake. Oooooh the problems this caused. I'm still...

Rise of the Black Knight Part II: Getting there, getting there….

Things continue apace, which is good, because I have a bunch of AdMech stuff just sitting in boxes waiting for assembly. Weathering like this actually goes faster then the Weathered Penny technique, for some reason. Maybe it's because of the Ghost Arks and all their...

Happy 4th! (Rise of the Black Knight?)

I started working on the metallics of the Knight Lancer with the intention of making the armor parts a split dark green/black (a darker version of the Forgotten Knight).  Then I noticed this happened.  Usually we black over this to start the next color, but I'm really...

Imperial Knight…

Battletech veterans will recognize this pose.  I really need to revamp my blogger layout, because tiny photos really don't do this kit justice. Of their products in the past year or so, I have to say the knight is my favorite, even considering its obvious flaws (how...


Before we move on to the Knight stuff, photos of a gaggle of themed Crypteks have been fermenting on my hard drive since... well, since that Tomb Stalker post. Then there's the Roboute model, some more Mechanicus stuff, and so on. No, I'm not going to do any ork...