Halfway through the factory….

Now all he needs is some armor, and I'm torn between Mechanicus red and Freeblade something else.  And I'm in search of a new blog template, because this thing needs a facelift. So, if anyone sees anything cool, do point it out.  Happy Wednesday, people. 

Time for a little X-Wing….

This Falcon, after much cutting and scraping, was lit using Poweredplay Gaming's lighting products, which, true to their word, are easy to mess around with and install. If I have a complaint, it's that they don't (yet) have a coin-battery cell that fits into FFG's...

Just when you thought the Tyracrons were done….

"Bring me that fellow's head. I'll be taking my tea in the parlour." In the spirit of taking my ideas back from Forge World, I decided to make a couple of nasty death machines to fill out my gleaming multi-legged horde. You'll be delighted to know that you too, can...

Ultramarines A-3 Aggressor….

Playing FFG's fantastic X-Wing game got me thinking about fighters, so with the itch to build one firmly in place I set about making some air support for the Ultramarines. Of course, currently the only air support around that's strictly Astartes is the Storm...

Enter a competition, win an airbrush compressor…. (UPDATE)

Because everyone likes free things, you should head on over to Air Supplies dot Co dot UK and post a link to your favorite model, because they're hosting a competition whereby you can win one of these contraptions. Airbrush compressors aren't cheap by any means, so...