Events Accepted

All of our events have been accepted for Origins in June. Now comes the hard part, assembling the miniatures, painting them, and building even more cool terrain.  Here is to good work that leads to lots of fun. 

Interesting New Material

The boys and I made a pilgramage to iHobby on Saturday and walked around, Vallejo has their new and wonderful air brush paints - Game Air - vivid, and highly pigmented paints that offer options that go beyond most other sets of air brush paints. I really like the fact...

85 Events Submitted for Origins 2015

We have put our first set of submissions in for Origins 2015 - 85 events were included. Below are the descriptions of the games: Necromunda Back by popular demand! The Necromunda board has been one of the center pieces of our games, and it is normally full. This is...

Origins 2015 Early Update

We are once again planning for an Origins, this time months in advance. The deadline for initial submissions is September 1, 2014, about 6 months earlier than last year. So....Without further ado.... 40KOrigins will be supporting Hawk Wargames - Drop Zone Commander....

Up and Coming Events for the Team

The 40KOrigins team is going to be doing some level of gaming support at the following conventions: DetCon1 - Detroit July 16 thru the 20th - This is the North American Interim Science Fiction Convention, since the WorldCon is in the UK this year. Geek Fan Expo -...