blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day. slainte mhath

Vespid part 2

Feels damn good to be at the table regularly again.  Worked on the VSG a littl more last night.  These pics are from a couple of days ago.JJ painting, this is a gift card painting of Tau Vespid commission for Patrick.Used Ice Blue to line-highlight the...

500,000 views! Thank you!

Dang, this is a fun ride.  JJ posting, in just over three years our little sandbox has had five-hundred-thousand hits.The half a million view happened at 5:51am CDT.The first post was May 6th of 2012.  Here's a link to see where we started on this journey:...

VSG Scratch Build part 1

Would type "second verse same as the first" in the title, it isn't though.  If you count my Grey Knights diorama than it is truly second verse same as the first.Special thanks to Suijin for letting me borrow some materials.  Thanks, brother.JJ building, this...