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Commission Tips part 2: Expectations

This commission tips post is all about understanding the clients expectations for the job.  There will be a lot of tough love in this post.JJ blogging, fourth Article Friday post, with a bit of a hiccup there, and so far so good.  Let’s see how everything...

Goreshade the Bastard part 3

This guy was an absolute pleasure to paint.  Had to be the best model I've painted in a couple of years.  Love the look of this model.JJ painting, this is a Warmachine Goreshade the Bastard commission for Mike.Painted the cape same way as the Bane...

Space Hulk: a Game Review

Some months ago Games Workshop re-released a classic game of theirs.  Space Hulk.  I've always wanted to play it and finally had an opportunity.JJ tying, here are my first impressions of the game.First of all there's a game before the game.  You pick a...

Bane Thralls part 3

These guys were painted last Tues.  So close to finishing them.  Just needed to find out basing.JJ painting, this is a Warmachine Bane Thralls commission for Mike.Worked with the green a little more to make it pop more.  Then painted the...