by a Sent One | Dec 15, 2014
These guys took a little longer than expected to finish. Think they turned out pretty good.Drybrush Leadbelcher on weapon. Army Painter Mat Black for handle. Then light coat of Ice Blue for edge of blades.JJ painting, this is an Eldar Dire Avengers...
by a Sent One | Dec 14, 2014
This is a terribly fun model to paint. Only the cloak remains.JJ painting, this is a Warmachine Goreshade the Bastard and Deathwalker commission for Mike.slainte mhath
by a Sent One | Dec 13, 2014
If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right. Post the link here and it'll be added within a day. slainte mhath
by a Sent One | Dec 12, 2014
Let's get this Article Friday going again. This would've landed last Friday but didn't have a pic.One of the roughest things to hammer when creating my commission business was payment. Looking at how other commission sites handled payment gave me an idea...
by a Sent One | Dec 11, 2014
What a battle report? It has been a long time since one of these has graced our sandbox. This is an extremely olde battle report. If I remember correctly our gaming group didn't meet one Friday night. Suijin and I decided to do some 40k. Since...