Alaitoc Wave Serpents for Sale on Ebay

Alaitoc Wave Serpents for Sale on Ebay

Looking to purchase a few wave serpents painted in the Alaitoc theme?  Here's the link: JJ posting,slainte mhath
Bane Thralls part 1

Bane Thralls part 1

New month and a new commission.  Asked Mike when he'd like these by.  He said by Christmas so they'd be a present to himself.  Love the idea.  Who knows more what you want for Christmas than you?JJ assembling and painting, this is a Warmachine Cryx...
Third Verse Same as the First Dire Avengers part 1

Third Verse Same as the First Dire Avengers part 1

Looks like this post wasn't ready.  That's what I get for doing other stuff on Friday.Shawn wants his Dire Avengers squads to have different types of gear.JJ painting, this is an Eldar Dire Avengers commission for Shawn.After a base coat of Army Painter Mat Black...

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day. slainte mhath
Dinner with Jim Wappel

Dinner with Jim Wappel

Several months ago I was reading posts in the blogsphere and one in particular caught my eye.  Clicked on the link and looked at some paintings then learned a fellow blogger might be attending the same gala I was at the beginning of July.JJ typing, it started out...