Imperial Guard Plasma Guns Completed

More urban camo IG.  I know you love it!JJ painting, this is an Imperial Guard Astra Militarum commission for Matt.Asked Matt what glow he wanted the plasma coil.  He said blue with white coils.slainte mhath

Imperial Guard Standard Bearers Completed

Was given the opportunity to pour a ton of time into the commission.  Which was a good thing.JJ painting, this is an Imperial Guard Astra Militarum commission for Matt.Matt wanted the banners painted differently yet can be used for IG squads.slainte mhath

Imperial Guard Grenade Launchers Completed

As promised here is more of the commission.  As of making the post the IG main commission is completed.  Feels damned good!JJ painting, this is an Imperial Guard Astra Militarum commission for Matt.slainte mhath

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals Amongst Us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day. slainte mhath

Imperial Guard Snipers Completed

Long time blogsphere, folks.  A lot of IG posts coming your way.BeforeJJ painting, this is an Imperial Guard Astra Militarum commission for Matt.Have to admit this commission is almost done.  These were done wees ago.  By this weekend it'll be...