Back on tracks, one step at a time…

Hi all.This post is about why I quit the rat race with 40k and the Dark Angels.I'm done with it.I'm back on tracks, after a long time out. I needed time to fix some parts of my real life. I didn't fix everything. But for now, let's say it will be...


Sorry guys, no post since last one.I'm preparing my self to face one of the biggest stormsh*t I ever faced.Had to pause my Hobby for a long time.Stay tunes, I'll try to come back asap.

Imperial Knight Warden

I just finished selling some oldies when suddenly... an all new Imperial Knight Warden appears !Aarghal uses Credit Card !It's very effective...Couldn't resist to opening the box.On the left : the three "original" Knight kit sprues.On top, the fourth and new sprue.And...

Eldar Knight #2 – Magnets powa !

What's really good with big minis, or long time projects, is that you can be sure that, no matter what, Murphy's law won't forget you.On this commission for two Eldar Knights, sh*t happened when I was on the finish line with the second knight.Torso and legs just broke...