What If… xkcd edited a book ?

xkcd's a webcomic created by an ex NASA scientist.Hilarious, sometimes seriously perverted by a mind trick, it's always a pleasure to read its strips.For those who don't get it all, there's a wiki called explainxkcd.com.Then, a new section was created : what...

I haz colorz !

I'm finally backon the bench. Founded enough time to paint some gems in blue and add a yellow touch.

Raise your arms !

 After two weeks without time for our Holly Hobby, I'm back for an update.I made the highlights on both pair of arms, with a blue mark on all the gems. It'll help when I'll paint them all.Second option : big cannon and shield.The painting wheme will be a little...

Eldar Knight #2 – Who shot first ?

 I present you my second eldar knight.Customer asked to have two guns options.First one : two shuriken canonsSecond one, thanks too magnets, can be easaly swaped.This one is cheesy, with a big cannon and a buckler.Both configurations have magnetised shoulder guns.