Hellhammer – WiP 06

Hellhammer – WiP 06

I'm still working on the Hellhammer's battle damages.Both side turrets are done, as are all the protection plates.As I was asked for, here's a close up on the micro-shipping :I begin with Dryad Bark. This will be the base damage , you can leave big spots. It is the...
Hellhammer – WiP 05

Hellhammer – WiP 05

Still working on the hellhammer micro-shippingI almost finished the main body. One side turred is ready, but I'm not satisfied with the rusted effect I applied.
Hellhammer – WiP 04

Hellhammer – WiP 04

A very quick WiP from the Hellhammer.My daughter failed a 3+ save and had to be carried to the hospital emergencies for exams.Everything was back to "normal mode" this week-end, bt I prefered to paly with her than painting.
Eldar Knight #1 – WiP 01

Eldar Knight #1 – WiP 01

While it's too hot here to paint, I'm working on my next project : a pair of eldar knights.This one will have a sowrd, and I tried to give him an original pose.Still some details to wsork but he'll be like that on the battlefield. Witah a worked base, for sure.
Hellhammer – WiP 03

Hellhammer – WiP 03

Still going and going...Tracks were done in the shortest time ever ! Black basecoat, Doombull brown and some drybrushed Boltgun Metal to finish. Et voilĂ .Metallics are done, need to finish the black parts. Than, weathering.