Deathwing squad command – WiP 2

Deathwing squad command – WiP 2

Banner, Medic and Champion ? Check.Belial and it's guards ? To be done.I'm only three terminators to the cherry on the cake, aka Hellhammer. [insert happy smile]
Deathwing squad command –  WiP 1

Deathwing squad command – WiP 1

Back to terminators...I'm not finished yet wih terminators ! I need to have the last terminators sqaud painted. And this one is Belial's Command Squad. It will be an all shiny full options squad.On the left, Belial and its two bodyguards. Belial is equipped with...
Preparing an apocalypse army (WiP 3)

Preparing an apocalypse army (WiP 3)

The army's going on pretty well. Three  terminators each couting ten models are ready to fight. The all new Venerable dreadnought's done and battle damaged. I need to paint Belial and it's command squad to complete the army.Then it's cherry on the...
Dark Angels Venerable Dreadnought

Dark Angels Venerable Dreadnought

I won my bet, the dreadnought was finished before the end of march.This mini required much work, a venerable isn't a grunt which paint can be neglected.First work : magnetise all the weapons and arm's shoulders.Then incorporate the heavy...