Still a WiP

Sorry for all my readers, today's post will be late.The Venerable is almost ready and I WANT to finish it.Pics tomorrow.
Dark Angels Vénérable Dread – WiP 4

Dark Angels Vénérable Dread – WiP 4

Still working on the Venerable. I need to finish it before april.All three weapons are prepared. Because they have different shapes, I prepared all three different hoods for the left arm.And when all these weapons are finished, I'll have the banner.
Dark Angels Venerable Dreadnought – WiP 3

Dark Angels Venerable Dreadnought – WiP 3

Dark Angels Venerable Dreanought - WiPStill working on the Venerable Dreadnought.Base and body are done, but still needs weathering and battle damages.Arm and guns are ready for paint. Even if I'll only use the heavy plasma, i'll paint the other options now, while I'm...
Dark Angels Venerable Dreadnought – WiP 2

Dark Angels Venerable Dreadnought – WiP 2

After a quick presentation in january, the Venerable Dreadnought is back for paint step.Dark Angels Dreanought painting WiPAfter almost a year painting Terminators, Terminators and... Terminators, it's a bit hard to find my marks with a vehicule. This is why I have...