Design templates for your 40k army.

Design templates for your 40k army.

As a 40k player, I need templates when my vehicules are destroyed. And as a laz* creative player, I looked on the internet for solutions. Greenman Design gave me a good solution : laser cuted templates.As a Space Marine player, I choosed a Space Marine templates...
Angel’s Wrath squad – WiP 1

Angel’s Wrath squad – WiP 1

More terminators for 2014...Angel's Wrath squad, WiPI'm working on the third terminators squad. These are equipped with 5 thunderhammers, three vanilla marines and 2 heavy plasma canons.
Preparing an apocalypse army (WiP)

Preparing an apocalypse army (WiP)

Let's make an assessment of my Apocalypse Dark Angels army project.I had the idea to assemble this army while I came back from the Med Tour 2013. After such a 40k Apocalyspe orgy, the motivation is high and it my head's full of army projects. Reality comes soon enough...
Xenos slayers squad

Xenos slayers squad

Finally ! I'm done with the second terminator squad, for my 3k Dark Angels army.Xenos, come get some...I'm proud of this squad. Clearly, they are made for the close combat. Five lightning claws terminators, two heavy flammers and three baseic termis.The sergeant...
Xenos slayers squad – WiP 3

Xenos slayers squad – WiP 3

This week-end was familly only. I conld'n paint, but my moto is "Familly first, Hobby second". My son and daughter are only 10 and 10, and I know they'll go away son enough...Xenos Slayers squad WiPUnfortunatly, I couldn't finish the sergeant...