After a long period, I'm back to the French Waaagh Day. I came with my five years old Dark Angels army. No new unit, I have enough work with the Med Tour preparation.We had many tables and armies, but one table caught my attention. It represents a Necrontyr...
FWD XXVII (teaser)

FWD XXVII (teaser)

I'm back from the 27th French Waaagh Day.It was a crazy week-end, and I will tell you more about it next week.
Xenos slayers squad – WiP 2

Xenos slayers squad – WiP 2

Slowly, I climb my way to the finish line. Painting a 3k army is a long time job, but it's worth the time and work !Xenos Slayer squad. There's only one terminator to finish, and I'll have the sergeant in my hands !
Doom Angels : the tutorial

Doom Angels : the tutorial

Oftlenly, readers and players ask me to explain how I painted my Doom Angels. This tutorial will show the colors used to create the Doom Angels chapter, and the order they're applied.Step #1After applying a black undercoat, I paint the armor parts...
Boulet – Another webcomic

Boulet – Another webcomic

I have to admit I'm addicted to webcomics. I'm following 40 comics on the web, and I'm still looking for new ones. Some are french, other are english or americans. Many are wrtitten in english, even french ones !This is why I suggest you Bouletcorp, a french autor...