Belial and it’s command squad

Belial and it’s command squad

Two years ago, I tried to add a command squad to Belial. I painted the banner bearer and... stopped. But now I am on an -almost- all new 3k Dark Angels army project for the Med Tour 2014, I'm motivated ! Belial and it's command squadUsing bitz from the Deathwing...
Plan. To know where to go.

Plan. To know where to go.

My major problem, apart from the volume of minis in stock, is to plan painting. Not that I don't like painting minis. But I don't know anything more frustrating than spending hours on a mini to see it waiting on the shelf. For a long time. A very a long time.This is...
Are new Space Marines shiny enough ?

Are new Space Marines shiny enough ?

Let's be clear : this won't be another all Games Workshop hate post. I jus't won't buy the all new Space Marines Codex.I'm a Dark Angels player, enjoying GW games since 2002. I started with Warhammer and started 40k one year after. I enjoy 40k and Space Marines....
Med Tour (3)

Med Tour (3)

When you are at the Med Tour, you'll have to prepare your eyes. There are so many cool minis it'll blow up your mind ! Here are some pics to give you a hint.This is Redbreast, da Ruzz Bot based on an old Armorcast model.Awesome conversion and painting work created an...
Med Tour (part 2)

Med Tour (part 2)

Apocalypse, da real one !The Med Tour is first and foremost an opportunity for a small number of players to meet around a table and play a Warhammer 40.000 Apocalypse game.But not the good old Gran'pa Apo where you come with all kind of armies and a bunch of...