Armorcast Warhound #1 – 21

I'm back.Had my share of familly problems, demotivation and life surprises.Meh.Finally came back to the one and only Holly hobby, where I can find peace and silence.I'm actually working on the base, placing magnets for the warhound's left leg.Both legs will "magicaly"...

Armorcast Warhound #1 – 20

I finally received my Vallejo surface primer. I never tried it before but it seemed better for me to have a grey base on all the mini.It'll be easier for me to add the white, black and red primer.Base is on WiP, and I had some ideas while working on it.Stay...

Armorcast Warhound #1 – 19

Last steps before paint.Working with the very few details I founded, identification symbols will be added on the warhound.On the right side, a blue disc with a unicorn insideThe blue disc is the princeps rank, the unicorn is for the princeps' emblem.On the left, a...

Armorcast Warhound #1 – 18

Last researchs for the banner.I need a break.I'll work on the base and, as soon as the paint can are here, it will be brushes time !

Armorcast Warhound #1 – 17

Drawing some sketches for the warhound's leg design.The princeps' emblem will be a unicorn, on a blue circle.(I'm totally in unicorns, sorry)Now, back to the banner's design.