Armorcast Warhound #1 – 11

I was productive this week. First : magnets under the right foot are done ! Three 5 mm magnets will help to keep the warhound up, while I didn't decide what I'll do under the left foot.Then, I added some banners.And that didn't fit.At all.I decided to cut...

Armorcast Warhound #1 – 10

Hello everybody, I'm back.Sorry for the delay, seems my last post didn't on the right blog, and I hadn't the internet nor the PC for a long time so... I'm sorry for this delay.Good news are good : I'm back on tracks for the warhound.Both arms and rear...

Armorcast Warhound #1 – 08

Still working on the warhound, one problem at a time.Because everything was back to parts, I decided to use some liquid greenstuff to fill all those tiny holes in the old lady. And, Emperor's Holy Throne, there are many !The two white plasticards on both sides...

Armorcast Warhound #1 – 07

I'm late for this week's post.Due to the bad events last friday the 13, I passed most of my time with familly and friends, laughing, eating and drinking.In two words : feeling alive.As you can see, the old lady isn't standing on its legs anymore.After some...