Armorcast Warhound #1 – 06

The base is epmpty, but it won't last.Armorcast titans are oldies.And it means you have to adapt and be creative when you need your "mini" to be transportable.I had to put some greenstuff in the legs holes to be able to put the 5mm magnets in the right place.I'm proud...

Armorcast Warhound #1 – 05

Still working on the warhound.Now I'm digging holes, no more sand paper. Which means, no more dust.Let's have a close up on the holes.There are two, and you can see they aren't centered.The upper one's here for a swing bar.The second one will be bigger and a 4mm...

Armorcast Warhound #1 – 04

Still working on the warhound with sand paper, supressing mold lines one by one.I had to create some more tools to work on the spikes. So Eighties baby !The toothbrush's a very good tool. You can use it to curve the sand paper or simply clean the dust.I'm now working...

Armorcast Warhound #1 – 03

[IRL]Posts aren't posted as usual.The best I can do is to blog every two weeks.A few weeks ago, I had to move away from my children and their mother.This is why I don't own a PC anymore.And it's a bit difficult to keep the same pace.I'll be back on tracks asap but for...


Our Holly Hobby needs time.Having a new mini in hand is just the beginning of a long journey.You'll have to prepare, assemble, paint and -finally- enjoy your new mini.Time you'll pass during these different steps isn't the same for everybody.You'll go on with...