Space Wolves Drop Pod Army List

My Space Wolves Drop Pod Army List has evolved quickly into a hard hitting strike force that scales up from 1500pts to 1750pts, 1850pts and 2000pts.In this article I'm going to explain why it works well, how to scale it up and where it hits its limits in terms of...

Beer Cans for Drop Pods

Last weekend I went up to Warhammer World to check out the latest changes, spend money on beer and take a mooch around their massive new museum. But most importantly, to play a few games with some new friends!Below is my brilliant little 1,750pts army. Plus Arjac...

Space Wolves Project: Part 13 of Lots

Why didn't anyone tell me what a horrible kit the Stormfang is to build? Don't get me wrong, it looks awesome once you've put it together. But a combination of warped parts, bad design and... more bad design make this a bit of a nightmare to make.If you're thinking of...

Thunderwolves 2,000pts Army List

No more Mr nice Wolf! With Imperial Knights, D Weapon heavy Eldar and all manner of Cheese in Warhammer 40K, I got chatting with Jordan about creating a 2,000pts Thunderwolves Army List to demonstrate the Space Wolves' supremacy of the battle field.Not that we really...

Space Wolves Project: Part 12 of Lots

This week I have been working on my Wolf Guard in MKIII Iron Armour from Forgeworld with Combi-Meltas and Kromlech "Sons of Thor" backpacks.The Kromlech backpacks may look nice at a glance, but the casting was terrible! I need to fill in a lot of bubble holes with...