Interview with Aska from The Fenrisian Forge

This week I decided to do an interview with Aska from The Fenrisian Forge instead of boring you with another week of me building Drop Pods.But who is Aska, what is the Fenrisian Forge and why do girls like cosplay so much?All these questions and much more will be...

The Warmachining of Warhammer 40K

Anyone else noticing similarities between Warhammer 40K and Warmachine lately?Necrons, Khorne Daemonkin and Eldar Craftworlds all feature new army structures made of detachments, with smaller bolt-on detachments to construct a force.While sceptics have said this is to...

Space Wolves Project: Part 11 of Lots

This week I have been mostly building Void Claws! I had to take a break from the Drop Pods, they were just depressing.Wolf Guard Terminators are one of the easiest and most fun kits to make. I managed to build all of these in about an hour.However, I do feel that the...

Allies of Convenience Pod Cast

The Space Wolves Blog goes on the radio! Mike Collins, a contributor to this blog many years ago, sent me a message on Facebook the other week, asking if I'd like to be interviewed on the rapidly rising podcast Allies of Convenience, which inspects the Warhammer 40K...