Muster Your Forces! The Great Hunt Approaches

Wolf brothers, first I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I also have a few announcements to make for the year ahead that will make every Space Wolves player raise his tankard and cheer!By the time you read this I'll be on holiday in Las Vegas for...

Unbound Space Wolf Dreadnought Army List

Joshua Jenkins talks us through his Unbound Space Wolf Dreadnought Army List and how its done him proud in countless games.With the new codex release, I decided I wanted to build an army around the wealth of new armoured options we received. A quick look over my...

Space Wolves Kick Arse at Warhammer World

Sott Hays met up as part of several gaming groups from the North East of England who all got together to visit Warhammer World for a week end of beer, food, banter and 40k. He played in 4 games over the week end. Here's how it went.Game 1 (1500 points) - SW Vs CSM +...

Dreadnought Tactics

The Space Wolves Dreadnought is a testament to the enduring will of the Sky Warriors, stubborn warriors who refuse to die as long as they can still serve. For the Space Wolves, the dreadnought represents a tangible link to stories and heroes past.A few warriors, laid...
Space Wolves Thunderwolf Army List 7th Edition

Space Wolves Thunderwolf Army List 7th Edition

After spending weeks trying to dig for gold in the 7th edition Space Wolves Codex, I've simply accepted that a new Thunderwolves Army List is the way to go.I tried so hard for so long to refuse to take all the new awesome units. But you know what, sometimes it's just...