Warzone Fenris Part 2 Rumours

Warzone Fenris 2 rumours are coming in hot. Plastic Daemon Primarch Magnus the Red, the Thousand Sons and the 'year of Tzeentch'. It is known!Normally I'm not one for posting rumours until I see some blurry photos taken by an over enthusiastic camera minion with...

Embracing Change in 40K

Warhammer 40K is constantly changing. But rather than fight the change and pray for a futureproof army, I believe we need to accept our fate, embrace the change and roll with the new releases.Oh how I nerd raged when Games Workshop introduced Thunderwolf cavalry to...

A Song of Ice & Firepower

Following on from last week's Wolf and Eldar doubles tournament battle reports, I wanted to talk to you guys about the armies that Lee and I are working on. In what I like to call "A Song of Ice & Firepower".Playing to our StrengthsAs hobbyists, we all have our...

Greetings From The Warp Doubles Tournament

This weekend, Lee and I entered the Greetings From The Warp Doubles Tournament with our Eldar and Space Wolves army. We played 3 fantastic games and had a lot of fun!I took the Eldar, Lee took the Space Wolves.Yes, I have an Eldar army! But more on this in another...

Tristan Whitehead’s Space Wolves Army List

Tristan Whitehead has quite possibly come up with the best Space Wolves army list we've seen in a long time. So good in fact, he won 4 out of 5 games at the SN Battle Reports tournament in Gibraltar with it.Sometimes when you see an army composition that's so damned...