Wargames Atlantic/ 40K Mashup: Plan For A Diorama Scenic Piece

As well as their plastic sets, Wargames Atlantic have a growing digital catalogue of 3d print files, some of which can be purchased as a physical product from Only Games (https://only-games.co/collections/wargames-atlantic). One of these sets is for civilian...

The Last Two Last Chancers

It was back to the Cannon Fodder sets to complete my last two Penal Legionaries.First up is Warrior Woman.  In homage to the original 40K metal model, I have given her a Cannon Fodder female helmeted head.Inspired by Ox, this model is carrying a Heavy Bolter from...

Who Leads The Imperial Guard In The Grim Darkness Of The Far Future?

Why, Lord Commander Solar Arcadian Leontus of course.To face the horrors of the Universe, nothing says bat-poo crazy like a Boss on a cyber horse (called Konstantin no less) urging soldiers on with a sword. I really need to find the time to throw together a new...

Howling Griffons Reinforcements

I decided to jump back to some Marines as I continue the Imperium catch up.As such, I speed batch painted a Combat Squad of Assault Intercessors using Contrast paints. I have an Invader ATV, a squad of Infiltrators and some Outriders to paint up and need to build...

Space Marine Kitbashing

Following on from my subs to both Conquest and Imperium, I have a fair few Space Marine models kicking around.I dipped into the Silver Templars following their creation and featuring in Conquest.As Imperium has concluded, I found myself with a couple of sets of...