Primaris Reinforcements

Much like the fate awaiting my Cannon Fodder/ Last Chancers project, this Primaris tank has been holding over since I left the UK last April. Nevertjeless, it's now built and waiting to join the ranks of the Silver Templars.  I should be receiving some new...

Alternate Last Chancers

I am seriously running out of project time.Work may soon be seeing me out of the country again.  As a result, it was off to the painting pile to crack on with the 40K Last Chancers inspired Cannon Fodder.Predominantly Wargames Atlantic models, these have been...

Kickstarter Fun With Not-Ratling Snipers

 From Victoria Miniatures comes their first Kickstarter.  Halfling Snipers., Victoria Lamb has done a massive amount in keeping the scfi...

Grimdark Camel Corps!

Finally.  My dream of possessing some Praetorian Camelry is realised.Wargames Atlantic and Shieldwolf haave allowed me to realise a long desired project.They're not perfect. There is a scale difference between the sculpted on Shieldwolf legs and the WA parts but...

3D Printed Terrain

The Bulldogs are sheltering in some 3d printed terrain from the company Endertoys Terrain.  They are US based but sell some items via Amazon.  Their main website is: one is from their Siege The Shore set which also comes...