Slow Progress

Logistical problems slowed me down this weekend.  I ran out of gel super glue so was unable to keep going with the building of the land train. It really is a decent kit and was a great price from the Kickstarter. The armoured carriage definitely belongs at...

Alternate Necromunda Cargo Hauler

Fresh from the Watcorps Designs Kickstarter come my physical copies of a cargo hauler and trailers. The cab is nice and chunky and consists of around 10 parts which go together quite easily.The interior of the cab is detailed up to act as a workspace and living...

Traitor Guard 2

Seeing as the new Renegade box comes with quite a few options,  I've opted to use some of them to convert more Traitors as shown below.Spare heads have been used along with the left over flamer and grenade launcher on Necromunda Hive Scum figures.  They are...

Traitor Guard 1

Fresh from the Kill Team box come the new Renegades.These one are in the same style as the Blackstone Fortress Renegades and, in my opinion  are better than those. I've converted the corrupted Commmissar though to make him more of a generic Officer/...

Old School Bunkers

Don't you just love it when you find another little geek/ hobby shop to investigate especially when you're drawn to a pile of White Dwarf issues.Three for a fiver sees me as the new owner of a 169 ( with bunker pages included) and two Rogue Trader era issues with...