Praetorian Imperial Guard Muster Pt XIV: Abhumans

Concluding the main army feature is the Abhuman contingent. There will be two more oosts featuring other elements supporting the Praetorians then it's back to the work in progress posts.The Imperium is willing to turn a blind eye to the presence of non-baseline humans...

Praetorian Imperial Guard Muster Pt XIII: Armoured Punch

Not every tank can be a Superheavy.Providing the majority of support to the Infantry are the six Leman Russ and two Rogal Dorn newcomers (although apparently they've always been in the Guard!) battle tanks.The two standard Russ tannls lead the way with one upgraded...

Praetorian Imperial Guard Muster Pt XII: Superheavies

To think, I was once chuffed that I had finally obtained one Superheavy, my first Baneblade.I've already featured my Stormlord with its four Veteran squads.  Featured below are the three 3D print Salamanders that acf as escorts, scouts and outriders for the...