Pteraxii done

Long time no blogg. This time it has been about two months. Not that I have not done some hobby stuff, I have, but nothing worth showing, until now. This time I finished the Pteraxii squad that I got from my wife many moons ago. I painted the first three back in feb...

Sydonian Skatros a.k.a the stilt man

This year I got a Sydonian Skatros from my wife for my birthday. This is somewhat of a controversial model as it seams to evoke either feelings of love or hatred for the design. It is definitely a mechanicum model with its arcane look and unconventional design. It was...

Opus flight deck extension

So, an update on the work on the Opus Magna. For many years now I have been thinking about the flight deck and what I should do with it. One thing that has been bouncing around the back of my head were what to do with the crenelated sides. These comes from the landing...

Crusader and Sergeants done

Well that to more time than I had expected. From the beginning I thought this would be a straight out of the box build. But it has taken years to plan and execute. In the end it did not turn out anything what I had imagined but I am still happy with the outcome. I...

Gaunt’s Ghosts

This year I got the box with the Gaunt's Ghosts for Christmas. I have been looking at this set for some time but not really felt connected with them more than that I knew they were famous. But, after finishing all the omnibusses during summer they are no longer...