WIP, Dominus knight and Opus Magna

I thought that I would blog a bit last weekend but somehow that did not happen, so once again it has been some time since the last update. But I have not been completely idle in this time. On the painting front I am chipping away at my Dominus Knight. The upper body...

Div WIP, Dominus and Opus

I still have not found my mojo and so I struggle to make any progress with my Dominus knight. So far I have only managed to paint the out side of the the chest and started the legs, but it is mostly routine jobs and have not captured my enthusiasm for the model. Hope...

Dominus Knight WIP, internals

Now, this hiatus was a bit longer than I thought it would be. A combination of work and lack of mojo has kept me from the hobby room for close to two months. But now I have vacation and I thought I'd make a try to get some things done. The first thing is to get my...

Skitarii Rangers with transuranic arquebuses

This week I have done some clean-up of the workstation and cleared out some models that has been hanging around in the background for some time. When the skitarii set was released I bought a box and painted up most of the models, including one carrying the transuranic...

Outrider Chaplain

This week, or rather, the ester week, I decided to paint the outrider Chaplain that I picked up as an impulse buy last time I was traveling with work. As it turned out I did not manage to finish it over the holiday so it had to wait for yet another work trip before I...