Fenrir GS WIP

So, I am getting close to the end of my Christmas vacation and will soon have to return to work. I have not been doing as much hobby work as I had thought but I have been spending time with the family and doing some wood working instead so all in all a productive and...


This year I got a pack of Serberys from my lovely wife for Christmas. I loved the look of these when I first saw them upon release but I have for some reason did not picked them up before, so it was a perfect gift from the wifey.I could not decide whether I should...

Blade guards

This week I offer you some Smurfy Blade Guards. I love these models!, even though they are monopose. The three models form the Dark Imperium box are all different so there is no repeat and I do not think it would be possible to do these as anything other than mono...

Custodes Wardens

This time I finished the Shield-Captain and the Vexilus Praetor of my Custodes Wardens form the to do pile. These were a present form my wife some times ago together with with Captain-General Trajann Valoris. I painted up the three Wardens with axes some time ago but...

Laser blasters for Fenrir

Recently I finished the two arm mounted Laser Blasters for Fenrir. All in all they are a straightforward paint job, similar to the back mounted Laser Blaster. I kept them in the yellowish basecoat with some black and yellow chevrons. The barrels where painted white...