Dreadtober; Ghost Pattern Warglaive done.

Well, that was unexpected, I am done with my Warglaive Dreadtober challenge. When I posted last I did not think I would make it as all the chipping, weathering and details where left to do and usually that takes me a lot of sessions to get it done. But after having...

Dreadtober update

This week I managed to get the base paint on and the blue white chevrons. Next is shipping and weathering, hopefully this weekend. Next week will probably not see much progress so this is looking a bit bleak at the moment. But then again, I lost a week at the start of...

Dreadtober, Build phase done.

Had a few quick sessions to carve some damage into the plates and added the chaos growth. The model is not in it subassemblies ready for a undercoat spray and then it is of to paint. Really hope that it will turn out fine with the paint on. The modifications are quite...

Dreadtober update

This weekend I decided to get as much construction done as possible for my converted Warglaive. Since there eventually will be six of these  in total I decided to do all of the constructions in one go to have some consistency between them. That meant six...

Dreadtober challange 2021

It is that time of year again, and I almost missed it, Dreadtober. I was traveling with work and totally forgot about this, but better late than not at all. So I singed up for the challenge. As I started late I had to choose a suitable project that would not take to...