Captain General Trajann Valoris

  This is a model I have been sitting on for some time. I got it from my wife together with the Custodian Wardens, but decided to wait with painting it until a special occasion. Well I do not know if it was a special occasion but I needed to immerse myself...


The second box of miniatures I got for Christmas from my wife was a squad of Pteraxii. I really love the look of these. The wings look really realistic and could probably work with strong enough jet engines. The wings are however quite large and are quite complex (7...

Fenrir done

Well, well. After the near disaster the other day I reassembled Fenrir and got him set up for a photo shoot. I really like how this came out, and from some angles he looks down right mean. The hip bones and the shoulder cables with the extensions of the armour has...

Weapon armour for Fenrir…

Finally, this week I finished the last pieces for Fenrir, the armour plating's for the arm weapons. I am really happy with how the extensions worked. But the next time I do something like this I will cut away the bottom of the armour trim so that I get a single plate...

Fenrir armour WIP

In the last few days I finished the leg and knee armour as well as the carapace for the back mounted laser blaster. The leg piece turned out well and I am happy with the over all look. Now that Fenrir as armour on both legs as well as the beginnings of shoulder armour...