Morvenn Vahl

This week I present to you; Morvenn Vahl... or Fnyssan as I like to call her (due to the colour combination which is my wife's signature colours). I like this model!, to bad that that other paragon suits are not more like this one. The level of detail is really...

Fenrir leg armour

This week I finished the green stuff sculpting on the left leg armour for Fenrir. This is the leg that has the demon face breaking through on the knee pad. This is a recurring theme on my titans. In this case I sculpted an actual face that had broken through the...

Back mounted Laser Blaster for Fenrir

This week saw the completion of the back mounted Laser Blaster for Fenrir. I tried to paint it the same way I did with the Laser Blaster for Varangian, so that if I need I can run a legit build for my Warlord (in that case Fenrir would get the Apocalypse missile...

Paragon War suits

This week my sisters got some reinforcements in the form of a squad of Paragon war suits. When the Grey knight nemesis dreadknight came out I was not a big fan of the design or the idea of strapping a marine to the front of a walking suit (almost like a penitent...

Infernal Enrapturess

This year I got the Infernal Enrapturess from my wife for my birthday. The model was somewhat delayed due to Brexit and Covid so the model did not arrive until well after the day, so my usual birthday model painting did not take place as usual, but instead I have...