Desert Rats command squad

This week we finally got some rain, which incidentally meant that I got some time to finish of some off the models hanging around my to do shelf. In this case it was the Scion command squad. The squad has the same basic modifications as the other squad with cargo...

Fenrir, standing skeleton

Over the last couple of weeks I have finally managed to finish up the last parts of Fenrir's upper body and internals. To be honest, it was not much that needed to be done but my time has been severely limited by work in the garden (moving some 30 tones of dirt with a...

Fenrir internals WIP

This year summer came early, i.e. I started work in the garden with hope to have finished most of the heavy lifting before vacation so that I actually get some vacation this year. This has off course meant that I have not had that much time for hobby stuff. But I have...

Rat Raider ATV

It took longer than expected to finish the ATV for my Rat Raider bike squadron. Over all I think it is a fantastic model with at lot of realistic details. It is easy to paint in sub assemblies and with minor conversions it can be re-converted to an Imperial vehicle....

Rat Raiders

This week I finished my Rat Raiders, i.e. the motorcycle squad of my Desert Rats. They are based on the genstealer cult Atalan Jackals. The conversions are pretty straight forward as the original models could as well have been imperial guard. I removed all the...