Fenrir WIP, shoulders

The Easter Week was spend as a mix of eating nice food, working in the garden and some hobbying. I continued the work on the desert rats but did not manage to finish anything, just got the bikes base painted and got started on the riders but there is where I got...

Astra Militaum Tempestus Scions, callsign Desert Rat

Well, that went quick. This morning I got an urge to try out the desert paint scheme for my Scions that I started building some weeks ago. So I set about to do five in parallel (which is something I never do) and a few hours later they were done. I tried out a new way...

More Naked Demon ladies.

Once again, time has flown away and I do not know where it went. Hobby wise I have been busy doing nothing, or at least not finishing anything, until now. I have been working on Fenrirs legs, finishing up the pistons and cables. After hours of fiddling and scratching...


 After finally getting Fenrir on his legs I sort of needed a break from the titan so I looked through the different boxes hanging around in the to do bin and decided it was time to try out the Judiciar. I must say that I really like this model. It has a very...

Fenrir stands, WIP

Finally I got Fenrir to stand on his own. Over the last weeks I have been slowly toiling away, painting the legs and pelvis. Due to the amount of customization and my otherwise over complicated paint scheme it has taken much longer than I thought. But it is finally...