Fenrir base, WIP

These last days I have been working away on Fenrir with the hope of getting the leg assembly completed soon. Still have some small things to do but I am almost there.As mentioned in my previous post the Ridge Runner has hit a mine and gotten the left rear while blown...

More Ultra Marines and Green stuff

So, 2020 is almost over and I do hope that 2021 will be better in so many ways. Over all it has been a productive year with a lot of posts. I have however not been able to finish any of my large longtime projects that has been sitting on the desk for eons. The problem...

Ultramarine Primaris Captain

The time before Christmas is contrary to common belief (my) not a time for hobbying. One might think that once the Christmas holiday is here there will be ample of time to tackle all those projects that need you attentions. But that is the problem. Why do to day what...

Canoptek Wraith

Last week I painted some necrons as a way of doing something simple after the Lard Discordant, and ques what, I got hocked. I have never really liked the Necron fluff as they seamed a bit forced when they appeared first time around. They were the undead in space,...

Necron cleansing

After finishing the Lord Discordant I needed to cleanse my palette. Do something easy, both in therms of building and painting. My choice fell on some Necrons from the Indomitus box, a Royal Warden and two warriors. The sculpts are excellent, but I was a bit surprised...