Dreadtober, chapter 4

This weekend I pushed on with the freehand patterns and chipping. Sadly the brush hade taken some damage from painting with dried out paints so it could not hold a tip as well as it used to. So some of the detailed work, such as the emblem and stars are not as crisp...

Dreadtober, chapter 3

Well, isn't this the project that just keeps on giving. After sorting the issues with the missing pieces I got everything base sprayed black, and just as I was about to start laying down the base for the rusted metal I realized that the paints had dried out. And I do...

Dreadtober, chapter 2

Well, of course the thigh pistons were not the only parts on the missing gate, the crouch plate was also on there. That meant that another highly visible part is missing. So I hade to dive back into the bits box to see if I could find something that could replace it...

Dreadtober 2024, chapter 1.

It is time again, Dreadtober, this annual opportunity to do something about the pile of two legged grey plastics hanging around the cupboard of shame. This year I will continue to work on my collection of Forge World robots for my Legio cybernetica in the form of a...


These guys have been on my to do list for a long time. Initially I did not like the idea of the Obliterators, and the first iteration of the models were not were good. But then these came along, and I thought they looked really cool. I have been holding of painting...