Deardtober stretch WIP

After finishing my Dreadtober pledge a bit a head of time I decided to stretch the goal of this month to include my Armiger Hellverins that have been in construction/paint for over two years (if not more). I already had them assembled and painted but one of them were...

Dreadtober dread finished

Ops, I finished my Dreadtober dread, the Custodes Achillus dreadnought, early. If only I could have this pace on my other projects I would get so much more done, not that it would make a dent in the to do pile as I am sure I would manage do fill it up at the same pace...

Dreadtober WIP 2, color test

Today I finished of the white metal and gave the gold armor plates their first two coatings of drybrushing. I also painted the shoulders crimson. This concludes the drybrushing stage. Next upp will be highlighting and adding details using normal brushwork. I also did...

Dreadtober WIP 1

First post in the Dreadtober challenge. In my last posts I had the dread soaking in its washing up liquid, making sure that all the release agents are gone form the resin before I start painting. First thing after the soak is a good wash off in the shower, making sure...

The embryo of Dreadtober and some test Necrons

As they say, it is that time of year,... again. Dreadtober, and I thought that this year I was going to participate. Omnissiah only knows how much I have on the to do pile, so entering this friendly activity to get a dread, or similar sized model, done from the pile...