
The day of days is here...  the legacy interface is gone and I am forced to use the new blogger to make a post. So I apologize in advance if this will look strange. I still have not figured out how to do a lot of the things as easily as I did in the old...

Penitent Engine

We continue with the additions to my slowly growing collection of Adepta Sororitas. This time it is the Penitent Engine form the Sisters of Battle box. I have never really been a fan of the model, not even the old metallic one as it think it is to front heavy. I also...

Inquisitor Greyfax and friends

This last week I have been working on Inquisitor Grefax and two Seraphim Sisters. I absolutely love the these models. Very rich in detail and appropriately scaled. Color scheme is as per usual... white metal and purple robes for the sisters and silver and gold...

Abaddon the Despolier

Finished Abaddon and I am really happy with how he turned out. The over all palette is more muted and dark compared to the box art which really suits the model. I removed the burning torch as I realized that as the model is so dark, the bright flames stole to much...

Abaddon WIP

This week I finally got some hobby time. I tried to work a bit on my Dominus knight but I was not in the mode for GS so it sort of stalled out. Instead I started work on Abaddon. I have had the model for some time now but have not been feeling the inspiration to paint...