The Triumph of Saint Katherine

This vacation has really not been about hobby time. Instead all my time has been spent digging in the garden and barbecuing. So that means I do not have that much to show, as I really have not done anything new. But I will show you the assembled Triumph of Saint...

Bier of Saint Katherine

Finally got around to finishing the Bier of Saint Katherine. This was not fun... there are way to many fiddly cherubs, banners and cyber gear, and that is not to mention the slightly discomforting feeling of painting naked babies. As with all the late GW sculpts the...

Saint Silvana

I have not been feeling well lately. I think that it is this conrona situation that is finally getting to me. Not that I am feeling sick as in having corona, but I have been feeling tiered and lacking motivation to deal with things. I have several ongoing projects...

Fenrir Crew

This week I have been working a bit on the crew that occupy the head of Fenrir. The original imperial crew got some green stuff grows to make them look a bit more chaosy. You really have to give up some personal comforts to become a chaos titan pilot, like the ability...

Saint Mina

Short update today with Saint Mina. Not much to say about this model, black robes and red roses. The lack of variety in the paint scheme makes them rather fast to paint but in the end they will look great. I do not want the saints to be to much of a distraction from...