Adapter plug for Warlord shoulder weapons on a Reavers.

When I decided to make Fenrir with three laser balsters, two on the arms and one on the back I knew I needed to sort the mounting of the weapon to the back as the seats for the Reaver carapace weapons are not the same as the Warlord shoulder weapons. In principle it...

Fenrir growth WIP

Couldn't hold back so I had start painting the head of Fenrir. Mostly I was curious about the sculpted growths around the cables and the bottom of the head and how they would turn out. Over all I am sort of happy with the things, They do not stick out to much from the...

Fenrir head WIP

For the last couple of weeks I have been working on Fenrir's head. A build that was supposed to be a quick more or less standard Reaver build has turned into a sculpting nightmare. My initial idea was to put most effort into the armor plating and some nice chaos...

The Easter Executioner

It happened again... ,the Easter bunny (the Wify) delivered an Easter egg... and mixed in with the candy was the small plastic parts of a Master of Executions (don't try this with small kids). So after carefully going through the candy and picking out the parts I set...

Saint Dominica

The forth of the saint in Triumph of Saint Katherine, saint Dominica is the bearer of the Ebon Chalice. The model as such is not that highly detailed so it was a fairly quick paint job. I am not sure if I shall try to get some of the edges of the robes painted scarlet...