The Triumph of Saint Katherine WIP and Custodes Vertus Praetors

This week I finished the last of the Custodes Vertus Praetors. Not much to say about it really. It is painted in the same way as the other two, in white and gold metal with some brown leather and crimson robes. I like this models a lot. If I was making an army I would...

A new light rig

As some of you might have noticed I have had some problems with the lighting of my models as I takes photos for this blog. This is some parts due to the facts that a large part of the year there is no natural light in the evenings (after work) when I do most of my...

Fenrir head WIP

I have not done much this week as I have been traveling with work again, and since it is so warm I have also done some garden work instead of working on my titans. I have only managed to add the bone to the snout and started on the edges were the armor is pealing...

More sisters…

It is strange, this thing with vacation. Before you go on vacation, you have all these plans of what to do with all that free time. But then the holidays are over and it is time to go back to work and you have not even done more than you would have done any other day....