Plastic Sisters

Finally it happened, the plastic sisters are here. After two decades they are here. Well almost, the starter army set is, or should I say was here. It sold out very quickly and now we are waiting for the proper release in 2020.I must say I have not been a sisters...

Lady Oxidia in Entropy

Finished my night Preceptor, the Lady Oxidia in Entropy. Last post had her mostly done but now I finished up some of the details as well as the Lady herself and her abode. I am really happy with how she turned out and I am looking forward to finishing up the Armigers...

Lady Oxidia in Entropy WIP

Well, well....  last time I had some problems deciding which project to run with... and it turned out to be something completely different than what I thought. As I was contemplating what to do I realized that I had a half painted knight lying around. Some time...

Div WIPs

Once again I have spent more time at work than home for the last week which means limited progress. But I have managed to sneak in some hours here and there while passing by home. Sadly my inspiration is a bit all over the place and I have a hard time settling down...