Dark Apostle with Disciples

It's been that time of year once again were I add yet another year to the tally, and this year I got a Dark Apostle and his Disciples from my wife. As tradition dictates I went straight to work. The model is once again of such quality and richness of detail that it...

Saint Arabella

Not much to report this week. I have been slowly chipping away at a multitude of projects and it is only saint Arabella that has made it to the photo range...As for the paint scheme it is not much to report either, it is black on black with some more black. I would...

Surtr head WIP

Finally inspiration struck like a thunder bolt from a clear sky. I just knew what Surtr would look like. First of is the head as I already had it washed. I started out with a picture of the Warbringer head and pulled it into paint. I split the head down the front,...

The Triumph of Saint Katherine WIP and Custodes Vertus Praetors

This week I finished the last of the Custodes Vertus Praetors. Not much to say about it really. It is painted in the same way as the other two, in white and gold metal with some brown leather and crimson robes. I like this models a lot. If I was making an army I would...

A new light rig

As some of you might have noticed I have had some problems with the lighting of my models as I takes photos for this blog. This is some parts due to the facts that a large part of the year there is no natural light in the evenings (after work) when I do most of my...