Pre-Heresy Dark Angels

Did a bit of cleaning around the work space and finished up these guys that have been hanging around there for a year or two. These were painted as a batch of four instead of being painted individually which is the way I usually do things. And, sorry to say, it shows....

Keeper of Secrets

After finishing Varangian I felt I needed to clean the palette and do something that is not rusted metal and weathering. So I picked up a Keeper of Secrets. I think this model is fantastic as it is disturbingly androgynous and very intimidating even though it is not...

Varangian Done

So today I moved Varangian from the hobby room into the living room where there is better natural light and brought out the nice camera for some better shots. Turned out that it was more difficult than I thought, especially as I stripped all the armor and the back...

Varangian crew

I did it...   I finally finished Varangian. By completing the crew I have painted the last parts of Varangian. Not that these will be seen (I have had Varangian more or less in its final appearance for a while now) as the cockpit is enclosed, but they were...

Varangian heraldic shields

I am getting there. The last external parts are painted, the shields, and I am working on the crew.  As I have both alpha and beta heads for the warlord I decided to use all four shields on Varangian, one set on the front and one on the back.For the back shields...